Old School Week Asking Someone to the Dance

Professor Misha Haden

Charms Professor | Laid Back
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
8/2009 (52)
Misha had been thinking about this for a bit. In all his years of being at the school, he had very rarely gone to the dance, but with Isabella, he was quite keen to. So, he'd come to the hospital wing and chapping on her office door with a question to ask.
Isabella was sitting behind her desk, writing letters to her children when she heard a knock on the door to her office. She took out her wand and waved it to see Misha standing there. Great, she looked like hell. Hair pulled back, glasses on her face. She removed them and smiled, "Did you burn your hand again, Misha?"
Misha smiled at Isabella and then laughed, glancing down at his hands before holding them up for her to see that he hadn't. "No, I had something to ask you, if you've got a second?" he said.
Isabella's eyes roamed to his uninjured hands and then checked her calendar. Did she miss a date? Certainly not. His words made her stare at him, a little suspicious. "Um, sure. What is it?" Isabella didn't want him to introduce kids, or if he was going to ask about potential drama between June and Ophelia (which didn't exist as far as she knew).
Misha smiled at her, not noticing any of her suspiciousness. "Well, I'm sure you know about it, given you went to school here, but, would you like to go to the dance with me?"
Isabella waited for a bomb to drop, but her ears did not hear such a thing. Instead, she was confused. "You are asking me to the dance? Not to chaperone but as a date?" Isabella wanted to be clear on the wording, because it would change the way she dressed up.
Misha smiled easily, nodding. "Yeah, I'd like to take you to the dance as a date. I can pick you up from your office at like 7pm, I'll bring flowers, and we'll dance, and then I'll hold your shoes when your feet hurt and give you my jacket when you get cold," he said easily not once dropping his smile.
Isabella could hardly believe her ears. As a date. In her years of schooling, she never had a date to the yule ball, and here Misha was, asking her to one. Everything he spoke of sounded so romantic. He really was a romantic man at heart, wasn't he? "Wow, you have it all sorted out. I'd love to. I need to find a dress now..." Isabella faded off, since the last time she wore something fancy was to her wedding.
Misha laughed lightly. "Of course I have it all sorted," he said easily. He had been sure it would go well, but it was always nice when the other person did say yes. "Well, I'll leave you to your planning then,"
Really? He was just going to come in, ask a question, and leave with the answer? Isabella just chalked it up to him being busy or something or another. She smiled, regardless, "If you want us to color coordinate, wear something with red on it." Isabella put her glasses back on to continue writing to her children. After all, she needed to inform them that she might need some help with a dress. Plus, if her recommendation of red threw his sorts out of it slightly, then victory to the Slytherin Alumni.
"Red?" he said, he gave a little chuckle, "Well, don't blame me when you hate the bright red suit I am definitely going to wear then," obviously he was joking.
Isabella thought she had the upper hand, but she was wrong. That was not what she meant! But his tone made her realize that he was joking. "Please, don't do that to me, Misha. I would be tempted to burn it. Then I'll put you in a duplicate of my dress."
Misha laughed, "I'd look great in a red dress," he joked with a little wink.
Isabella had an idea, which brought a smirk to her lips. "We will see about that after the dance, Misha." Isabella wondered if he caught on to her little idea.
Misha gave a knowing smile. "Well, I really can't wait till friday now,"
Isabella giggled, now suddenly eager to see him, "I do too, Misha. I can't wait to see how good of a dancer you are." Isabella momentarily forgot that their kids that were in school would see them at the dance.
"I'm a perfect dancer," he assured her with a smile.

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